Key Research Areas
1. Control Systems
Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)
Distributed and Nonlinear Control
Dr. Yanumula Venkata Karteek joined IIT Mandi in January, 2025. He received a PhD degree from IIT Guwahati in the domain of Systems, Control and Automation in 2018. He joined as a research scholar after receiving B.Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University. His research interests include connected and autonomous vehicles, robotics, distributed and nonlinear control. During the PhD research, he worked on consensus problems of multi-agent systems with time-delays. Stability analysis is performed using both classical and Lyapunov approaches and the results are validated on mobile robots and networked non-mobile agents. He worked as an Assistant Professor at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (TIET), Patiala from 2017 to 2024. He worked as a postdoc between February 2020 and July 2021 (on leave from TIET), at Technical University of Crete, Greece, under the guidance of Prof. Markos Papageorgiou and Prof. Ioannis Papamichail, within the project of TrafficFluid under ERC Horizon grant. During the postdoc duration and currently, he has been working on path planning of a large number of autonomous vehicles with coordination. He is also working on coordinated control of two 6DoF robotic arms
Recent Publications
1. 1. M. Kaur, S. Sondhi, and V. K. Yanumula, “Design of fractional order pdd controller for robotic arm using partial cancellation of non minimum phase zero”, Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol. 110, pp. 203-214, doi:
N. Dabestani, P. Typaldos, V. K. Yanumula, I. Papamichail, and M. Papageorgiou, “Joint path planning for multiple automated vehicles in lane-free traffic with vehicle nudging”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: https: //
Manpreet Kaur, V. K. Yanumula, Swati Sondhi, “Trajectory Planning and Inverse Kinematics solution of Kuka robot using COA along with pick and place application”, Intelligent Service Robotics, Springer, vol. 17, pp. 289 - 302 doi: https: //
Manpreet Kaur, Swati Sondhi, V. K. Yanumula, “A novel Fractional-order enhanced Model Reference Adaptive Controller (FOEMRAC) approach for Magnetic end effectors”, Electrical Engineering, Springer, doi:
Yanumula. V.K., Typaldos .P, Troullinos .D, Malekzadeh .M, Papamichail .I, Papageorgiou .M, “Optimal Trajectory Planning for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic with Vehicle Nudging”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 2385-2399, doi: 2023.3241200
Malekzadeh, M., Yanumula, V.K., Papamichail, I., Papageorgiou, M., “Overlapping internal boundary control of lane-free automated vehicle traffic”, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 133, doi: 105435
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